Inspiring Learning Podcasts
Many of us use podcasts for learning. But what if podcasts as a learning format portray employees and their stories? Then they inspire agile learning as learner stories.
In this way, employees can encourage self-organised learning with authentic stories.
Our approach
Learner Stories
We tell the "learner story" of employees, a likeable learning and transformation story that convinces through its openness, authenticity and liveliness.
The Format
Ein nicht-fiktionales narratives Storytelling. Ausgangspunkt ist das Interview.
Die O-Töne des/der Interviewten werden in der Postproduktion erweitert um zusätzliche Gestaltungsebenen (ähnlich einem einfachen Radiofeature: Musik, Atmosphäre, Erzähler:in).
In this way, the information is anchored more emotionally in the listener and deepened by a narrative level that makes the whole thing experienceable as a story.
The Role of the Narrator
The narrator comments on and reflects on the experience, puts it into context, asks questions, draws conclusions and guides the listener through the podcast like in a story.
The Target Group
Employees company-wide, if necessary focus on specific areas of the company.
Why HR should produce podcasts
Identify and Reflect
HR and internal communication use learning podcasts as an element of their living, agile learning culture.
Close, interesting and relevant - this is how listeners experience and identify with the learning story of a team member.
Listeners also reflect and learn from it for their own reality, their own learning and change contexts.
Employees feel seen and valued in their adaptive learning and work despite all challenges/resistance.